Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Alex: Setbacks

The Jones family have encountered a setback to the ongoing transplant process. Rebecca, Alex's mother, was first in line to provide a replacement kidney, as she was a good match. Recently, it has been discovered that her effective kidney function was slightly below the threshold for making her a viable donor candidate. A retest was done - but this just confirmed their fears - the hospital assures her she is not in danger from this - but they no longer consider it safe for her to be a donor. This came shortly after Mark & Rebecca receiving a letter from the transplant team saying it was a 'go'.
Understandably - this is a blow to the perceived path that this transplant was taking - after the miracle surrounding the heart condition discovered in Alex that subsequently just disappeared - the family were cautiously hopeful that they were on track for transplant.
As expected, the person who is handling this the best is, of course, Alex. We are thankful for his indomitable spirit and seemingly unshakable faith.

Please remember them in prayer.

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