Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Alex: Swimming at last!

More news from Texas. Here's Ed with the latest:

Today was the day when Alex was able to swim in his pool after a year and a half of prohibition due to various "ports" in his body for the purpose of dialysis. Now with the new kidney, glowing lab reports and surgery cuts all healed up, Alex was able to jump into his pool and enjoy what he loves so much, to swim! It was a big family event over at the Jones home! Mark with the video camera and me with the still camera. There were tears of joy shed! Alex was introduced "formally" by Lindsay and came running out of the house, making a beeline for the pool. SPLASH!! A new and long awaited phase had officially begun! Please keep praying for Alex and "BOB" his kidney. (Alex named his new kidney) He continues on anti rejection drugs and steroids along with various and sundry drugs & pills. They have already cut down on some of his meds, and hope to cut down more. Alex appetite is huge. He needs to be careful not to blowup. What a change from before when his appetite was not good.

Alex, in the pool yesterday.

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