Saturday, May 06, 2006

Alex: The road ahead.

Here's the (edited) consolidated AlexNews from the weekend.

05/05 04:27am BST

(Alex) is feeling much better today. Pain down to a minimum (some pain meds but not much) ... With Alex feeling better we had a mini party. Played uno, video games and talked. Two of the special nurses from the transplant team came in about when Mark & Rebecca returned from their date and we all had a lot of fun and laughs! They love Alex's progress and are prepared to let him go home on Monday! He will be in semi isolation for about a month (just family etc). He is allowed to mix in crowds after that time. His creatnine is .8 which is great! Blood pressure normal, glucose levels good and other readings great. His blood has never been this clean! Ever! The kidney is rockin'!
PS Thanks for all the supportive emails. I am putting them all in a nice memory booklet for the family. The prayers are certainly felt!

5/7 04:52am BST

Alex continues to rock & roll! The small room can get very crowded by the family.We talked, joked, poked fun, ate, and generally enjoyed the time together, continuing to celebrate Alex healing. Mark had to put some half & half into the fridge that is used by the patients and Alex wanted to walk with him. Mask on and walking alittle like an old man, he got some exercise. After some flirting with the nurses and generally just being cute, he walked back to the room with Mark. I share all this to let you know that the roller coaster two weeks ,which began late Monday evening the 24th of April ends this Monday morning the 8th. Of course that is the end of the beginning. Weeks of isolation, medications, labs 3 time a week and other things follow.But, in the short term, all seems bright. Alex can begin swimming in about a month and he can audition for MUSIC CAMP, something he has looked forward to all his life now that he is of age, which begins in mid June.Prayers are being answered in God's time! Just think, it was a few months ago when they found out Alex had a heart anomaly which had to be corrected before a kidney transplant could even be considered! Test after test showed the anomaly. God's people prayed up a storm!! Testing done a few weeks later... anomaly GONE! Doctors speechless. Alex is the talk of Children's Hospital! So, I guess that means God heals the kidney!

05/08 02:41am BST

Just got back from the hospital where we had pizza etc. Alex is getting ready to go home tomorrow (Monday) and can't wait to sleep in his own bed again! He is still on the mend and his new kidney is functioning great! I printed out all the responses I've received so far and given them to Mark & Rebecca to read. They are awed and thrilled as they are reading them. This has been an interesting journey so far and it is not over. We are now at a rest stop! There will be three to four weeks of staying at home and then he prepares for Music Camp. YEA!! Swimming also! More to come,Ed for the family

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