Saturday, September 23, 2006

Australia-Day 17: WEDDING DAY

We awoke early and went back to Myer's department store for breakfast and a last minute attempt to get Kelly's makeup done. The MAC counter offered to do it for about A$100 worth of products, so she immediately sat down with the make-up artist Natalia whilst Christian went to get food. He returned with a lipstick friendly smoothie Kelly could eat with a straw, and about an hour later we were off to Trump's Salon beside the hotel for hair.

Christian left Kelly with Christophe the Hair Magician while he did some other preparations for the wedding. At 12:45pm, Kelly was paid up and ran upstairs to be told by a very undressed Christian that the driver was already downstairs waiting for us. We finished dressing in about 5 minutes and made it down at 1pm on the dot; scheduled pickup.

Our driver Ed drove us to the church; St. Pauls Anglican Church in a suburb called Burwood. It was a spectacularly beautiful day; sunny and so far not too hot. Luckily, we arrived at the church fairly early, in about 1/2 hour. Only the groom, groomsmen and his family were there thus far. The Church was absolutely gorgeous; fashioned in a medieval style with deep red-brown beams on the ceiling and stunning stained glass windows allowing the sunlight to come cascading in in a rainbow of colors. There was a red carpet down the aisle and the bride's cousin was practicing her singing with the organist.

Christian set up the video camera on the tripod at the front of the church with the help of the vicar Reverend Pettigrew, with Kelly standing in for both bride and groom to ensure spacing was correct.

We were placed in the 3rd row, bride's side, with Christian on the aisle to ensure maximum photo potential.

The Mother-of-the-Bride, Robin Cooper, was walked down the aisle by one of the groomsmen, Nathan, the bride's cousin. Then the bridesmaids came down one at a time in their brilliantly colored cranberry gowns, first Marijana, then the bride's sister Amanda.

Kristen finally followed on her fathers arm; absolutely stunning in a pure white gown and long lace train whilst Arrival by ABBA played all around us.

Reverend Pettigrew conducted a lovely service, interspersed with charm and amusing wit to relax the participants. Twice during the ceremony, Kristen's cousin Lisa Cooper sang to the congregation. She is an opera singer who works at the Sydney Opera House, and it was absolutely beautiful.

At the end of the service, we all went outside for photos, then the bridal party packed into cars and we joined Robin and Ern Cooper (bride's parents) in the Photographers car and headed off to Angelo's on the Bay, which is where the reception would take place. Kelly walked along the water to an enormous boat with Robin. We joined the bride and grooms parents on an enormous boat as we sped off to the Opera House, all the while chatting and drinking wonderful champagne. It was such an honor for both us of us to have been included in this very small group, and we had such a wonderful time. Kelly gossiped with the mother's while Christian spent time with the fathers outside taking photos. We docked at Campbell's Cove to pick up the bridal party and the photographer, as they had taken photos with the bridge and Opera House.

After consuming some delicious nibbles inside the hold, the trip back to Angelo's was spent mainly on the bridge of the boat so we could all take in the amazing views. We sailed past multimillion dollar homes, including those of the Australian Prime Minister, Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman.

Enroute back we hit what Christian calls Magic Hour, and got some wonderful photos of the bride and groom on the bow, as the sun set behind them.

We arrived back at Angelo's where all the guests were already waiting, and quickly found our seats. We were seated with the bride's cousins; another great honor indeed. The meal was immediately served: the first course either calamari or ravioli, the main was lamb or chicken, both prepared so tenderly and accompanied by vegetables.

What ensued thereafter was one of the best weddings we'd ever been to. Much to Kelly's dismay though, the photographer ushered the bride and groom out for photos at a critical time; when the DJ put Dancing Queen by ABBA on. Kelly and Marijana found themselves on the dancefloor alone as the majority of people followed the couple out onto the porch. We still rocked though.

The speeches were amusing and diverse; from the brides father to the best man Andrew (That's Gold!) to Damien and then to Kristen herself. Kristen mentioned us in her speech which made Kelly almost burst into tears; the thought of her expensive eyelashes the only thing holding her dignity in place.

As the night wound down, the song Pink Cadillac by Natalie Cole began to play, as we all followed the newly married couple out to their waiting vehicle; a 1959 pink Cadillac convertible.

They left in a flurry of cheers and laughter, as our driver Ed arrived on cue and took us back to our hotel; where we both endeavoured to relieve Kelly of a hundred or so hairpins.

What an incredible day.

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