Thursday, July 27, 2006

Corporate Comfort food

Well, it didn’t start off too well. I arrived at Brussels Midi station, finally, at 8pm on the dot. Not having a clue how far the hotel was from the station, I began to look around in earnest for a much needed cash machine. I looked all over inside, and outside the enormous station, and couldn’t find a trace of one. Not one bleeding cash machine. I finally, finally found a security guard, who directed me to the "gallery". I walked up and down that thing till I saw the sign "Cash Point" but upon looking at the machine I saw a dreaded piece of paper taped to the screen. I don’t speak Belgian, but Out of Order is fairly universal. I stomped my foot.

Another 10 minutes go by with me and my little green rolling suitcase quickly losing patience with this city. As the cab in Luxembourg cost EU26, and that is a tiny city compared to Brussels, I had no reason to think that EU12 would stretch very far. I finally happened upon two taxi drivers smoking a cigarette and talking. I asked how far the hotel Conrad was, they said there was no way to get there by foot but about EU10, and I didn’t give them a chance to blink before I jumped in the car. The driver, bless him,drove like a bat out of hell to get me there for under 10 euros. The display showed 5 euros 90 when we pulled into the hotel drive. I gratefully gave him the full 10 euro note and let him keep the change.
A cute little bellhop grabbed my bag from the trunk and led me into the hotel, which is magnificent inside. Checkin was all of 2 minutes, and although there is a bit of a trek to my room, it was worth it. Its incredibly beautiful, decorated in a classic style with marble and brass fittings in the bathroom. I explored the bathroom at length, since I hadn’t gone on the train and anyone who read our Brugges blog in May knows I resent paying 20 euro cents for the privilege of using the loo at Brussels Midi Station.

I spent only enough time in the room to call Christian, then headed out to dinner at a place the receptionist suggested. La Maison du Pecheur. Because I had a really really bad trip in, I treated myself to the half lobster and pasta dish. Jackpot. Beside me sat two American businessmen going on about whatever. I kept my mouth shut as I didn’t feel like speaking to anyone at this time. The restaurant is on Rue Jardin, a road of just restaurants, with outside dining, and they have an opera singer a few doors down singing for those of us sitting outside. Its absolutely lovely, and as the sun has just set, it has cooled to almost bearable.

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