Friday, May 19, 2006

Da Vinci Code

So tonight Christian, Steve and I went to see the Da Vinci Code. We left work at 5pm and went straight uptown on the Northern line to Wagamama's, a favo(u)rite Japanese Restaurant we enjoy in London. We had 2-for-1 vouchers so we shared 4 entrees between us, which were fabulous.

At 6:30 we entered the theatre next door, which was almost filled to capacity even when we walked in there. After about 30 minutes of adverts and trailors (we ca
nnot WAIT to see X-MEN III, by the way) the movie finally began. We won't go into detail on how it was or our opinion of it, but I do enjoy seeing movies based in places I have been before. Obviously alot is done in the Louvre, and we have photos of ourselves standing in front of the museum glass pyramid exactly where the characters stand. They also fly into London's Biggin Hill airport at one point in the movie. We, of course, live in Biggin Hill, and the airport is a short walk from our house. It was amazing looking at a place on the big screen that we know so well. Christian has flown there before, and we go to the air show every year. We already have our tickets for the June 3 show, by the way.

After the movie, we went back to the office so that Steve could retrieve his forgotten jacket as we obtained a much needed umbrella. Then, on the train ride home we had a marvelous chat with several different people on the train, including two teenage girls and a middle-aged wom
an on her way home, on the subject of LOST. They are watching the British version and are way behind us. We just watched episode 22 of season 2 last night, oh gosh, its amazing. Nothing more now...

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