Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Alex: Update!

We've just heard the news: Alex is out of surgery - the operation is over! Over to Uncle Ed on the scene for this report:

The new kidney is functioning great and is producing urine. The Dr said it was textbook!! They are now moving him over from the recovery room to intensive care. He'll be there for a short while and then off to his room. The kidney came from an 18 year old boy from Tyler who was killed in a truck accident! More news to follow as it develops!! Thanks for the prayers! Ed
PS Alex was actually #3 in line for this particular kidney, but when they checked all the factors that go into a good match, Alex came out far and away the best match. His blood mixed perfectly with the kidney blood without a negative reaction as did the other two possible recipients.

UPDATED: 26th April

Alex is hurting, looks puffy and has 5 different meds going into him as well as hydration. His old kidney is putting out its usual double the normal output of unfiltered urine and the new kidney is doing its job or filtering and producing urine. They need to keep him hydrated. When he stabilizes, they will evaluate what needs to be done, however, the old kidney needs to go! Mark & Rebecca are into their second day without sleep. Mark will go home this evening, but Rebecca will stay. Alex will be in ICU for three days and then be moved to a regular room for about 2 weeks. All is going as the Drs expected and hoped. Keep praying. There is still a ways to go. He is pretty doped up.He has a button in his hand that he can push for pain. It gives him a dose of morphine as needed. He is not a happy camper at this point.There were many people at the hospital today. We were having a kind of victory celebration and serving as support. Great church downhere!!!! Trinity is one of the best!!. Millington is right up there. Also!! I just don't know how folk can come through something like this with out the support of their church family!! This has been along process, which doesn't end here.More to come. Ed

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